Hi, good evening
Tolong Bantu Saya Ya Teman²
Jawab 1 Sampai 10
-Jawab dan terjemah
thank you very much for answering my question
(terimakasih banyak yang sudah menjawab pertanyaanku)
Tolong Bantu Saya Ya Teman²
Jawab 1 Sampai 10
-Jawab dan terjemah
thank you very much for answering my question
(terimakasih banyak yang sudah menjawab pertanyaanku)

1. The Radio Isn't working
2. i'm eated the banana so much
3. He is counting the stars on the sky
4. What Are You Watching?
5. i am Don't talk about you performance
6. We are Jogging to spend our quality time
7. Sissy is take care of her sister beacuse her mother is working
8. Does Rinni is sweeping the floor?
9. Is Linda Studying Mathematics now?
10. Willy is takes a bath
Semoga membantu :)